Page 7 - 2019impactreport
P. 7

Down Syndrome Education

            Alliance & Communication

            Readiness Program

            DSCBA had another successful year implementing the Down Syndrome Education
            Alliance (DSEA) and the Communication Readiness Program (CRP). In fact, the two
            programs are working more closely with each other, as our education director is
            working with administrators at the schools attended by students who participated in the
            summer CRP. We scheduled teacher trainings and workshops such as Road to Success,
            Accommodations & Modifications, Motivating Independence, and Inclusive Education &
            Strategies to Support It. Last year, through all of these workshops, the DSEA team reached
            more than 550 educators and parents, along with more than 2,500 students through our
            continuing Ability Awareness presentations. These workshops and presentations can help
            change the culture schoolwide to support inclusion and accommodation strategies for
            children with disabilities.

                    Gave Ability Awareness                            Delivered educational
                     presentations to 2,584                              workshops to 561
                              students.                              educators and parents.

                     Welcomed 16 students                             Provided post-CRP on-
                    to CRP, which included                            site consultations and
                     communication & AAC                            training to 68 educators.
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